Top tips to make your home more energy efficient

Aug 8, 2019Blog, Home Improvements

Updated: Aug 10, 2019

Non-renewable energy sources in the form of oil and gas will soon be depleted, meaning that it’s more important than ever to conserve energy and find alternate sources. The development of renewable energy has equipped households with energy-efficient appliances that have a positive effect on the environment and additionally save people money. Here are a few tips on how to make a home more energy-efficient.

Roofing Materials

roofing materials

The roof has a vital role to play for conserving energy in a home. In a typical house, the roof accounts for 25% heat loss on average. There are even more energy-efficient roofs that can reflect 65% of all the heat away from your house. White thermoplastic is the perfect material – it reflects 80% of the sun’s rays and still emits 70% of the radiation absorbed by the house. Contrary to the conventional inefficient materials that only reflect 15% percent of UV rays, white thermoplastic is the roofing material to use if you wish to maintain an energy-efficient home.

Door Materials

When thinking of ways to improve the energy efficiency of a home, door materials wouldn’t necessarily be among the top priorities. However, the right type of door material in your house can have a significant impact on maintaining energy efficiency in your home. Fiberglass doors, for instance, have the potential to save a home up to 15% of energy expenses. A fiberglass door with no window insulates five times more than the standard wooden door. On the other hand, “Low-E” glass doors can reduce energy loss by as much as 30 to 50%, but it would require a slightly higher level of investment than some of the other entries here.  

Limit Space Heater Use

Limit Space Heater Use

We all know gas and electric space heaters keep us warm during cold seasons and weather. But we might want to reconsider other efficient ways to maintain energy in our homes, as space heaters can be very costly to use. Rather than relying on space heaters, other alternatives should be considered, such as investing in blankets and layering clothes.

Wall Insulation

Statistics suggest that around 30 to 40 percent of homes lose heat through the walls. In the UK, for instance, 7.6 million homes are without wall insulation. Wall insulation reduces up to 67 percent of heat loss. Specifically, thermal insulation lowers SO2 and CO2 level in the atmosphere by reducing the amount of fuel needed for heating. On the other hand, walls built with wooden frames reduces up to 18% of energy consumption annually compared to CMU walls that only save 10%.